Lack of nephrin results in absence of slit-diaphragms and foot process effacement. (A,C,E) Transmission Electron Micrographs (TEM) of the podocytes foot processes in wild type zebrafish at 5, 8, 10 dpf. Presence of slit diaphragms are marked with arrows. (B,D,F) TEM of the podocyte foot processes in nphs1-/- at 5, 8, 10 dpf showing widened and irregular foot processes effacement with lack of detectable slit diaphragms (arrowheads) (Scale bar, 400 nm). (G–H) TEM of the mesonephric podocytes foot processes in 6-month-old adult wild-type siblings. Presence of slit diaphragms are marked with arrows. (I–L) TEM of the mesonephric podocytes foot processes in viable nphs1-/- adults. The foot processes are effaced and widened with absence of slit diaphragm throughout capillary wall in 6-month-old adult nphs1 mutants. (H,J,L) Higher-magnification images show podocyte foot-process effacement in nphs1-/- adults. Pod: podocyte; FP: foot process, GEC: glomerular endothelial cells; CL: glomerular capillary lumen; RBC: red blood cell.
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