Fig. 1
Genomic organization and functional domains of zebrafish Zrsr2. (A) A schematic of the genomic structures of zrsr2 isoforms 201 and 204, with exons shown as rectangles and introns as lines connecting the exons. Filled rectangles mark the coding sequence, and white rectangles mark the untranslated regions. The vertical red line marks the genomic target region of the sgRNA used for CRISPR/Cas9 knockout. (B) The alignment of the human ZRSR2 protein with isoforms 201 and 204 of zebrafish Zrsr2, showing the location of conserved functional domains: Zn = Zinc finger domains, RRM = RNA recognition motif. Gray color marks the extra C-terminal region in zebrafish Zrsr2. Black numbers indicate the amino acid number for the start of each domain. Red numbers mark the methionine at position 153 in isoform 201, which is the translation start site of Zrsr2-204. Blue line marks the location of the CRISPR/Cas9-induced mutation and partial amino acid sequences of WT and mutant proteins, with red color marking the frameshift and premature termination codon marked as *.