Fig. 5
Larval brains stained with anti-phospho-histone H3 antibodies detecting mitotic nuclei (red) and DAPI. (a) Brain from five-day-old mutant larvae Df(1)14.4; Mi{ET1}CG7716MB07394 Dp(1;3)DC364 PBac{y+w+}, amorphic (activity absent) for both Grip84 and cg7716. (b) Mutant six-day-old larvae brain and (c) five-day-old WT sibling larvae brain. Specimens shown in (b,c) are just before pupation. (d) Brain hemisphere surface area (SA) quantification for brains shown in (a–c), with standard deviation. Statistical multiple comparisons completed using one-way ANOVA; **** p ≤ 0.0001. R—right hemisphere, L—left hemisphere, VNC—ventral nerve cord.