Fig. 4
Phenotypes of the Grip84 mutants. (a) Wild type (WT) male sibling and (b) (WT) female sibling, lateral and dorsal views, respectively. (c) Grip84PG36 hypomorphic male fly lacking vast region of the normal cuticle on the abdomen. (d) Pharate adult female fly, Df(1)14.4; Dp(1;3)DC364; pulled out of the pupal case, shown from dorsal view and (e) ventral view. The abdominal pigmented cuticle is completely absent. Yellow arrowheads point at the bases of four bristles on the notum in the WT female fly; (b) in the mutant female fly, (d) only one bristle is left. In the mutant female, one of the legs is incorrectly developed ((e) arrow); in some cases partial leg duplications were observed for the same genotype (f). A wild type eye from panel a is magnified in (g), showing the characteristic, hexagonal structure, which is absent in Df(1)14.4; Dp(1;3)DC364 flies (h).