Fig. 2
(A) Single optical section from confocal image of larval kidney (fixed) shows Runx:mCherry+ HSPCs (magenta) lodged in the perivascular niche. Oregon Green dye labels the vessel lumen. Blue dotted lines surround the dorsal aorta (DA) and red dotted lines surround the glomerulus (G). Tight junction protein is marked by zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) (white). (B) High-resolution optical sections (0.5 µm steps) through the boxed regions in (A) show ZO-1+ contact points between mCherry+ HSPCs and the niche (yellow arrowheads). (C) Orthogonal slices (XY and YZ planes) from live light sheet 3D volume of larval kidney niche. Single cd41:GFP+ HSPCs (green) is in contact or in close proximity (yellow arrowhead) to cxcl12:DsRed2+ MSCs (magenta). The white dotted line represents the DA. (D) Quantification of distances measured between GFP+ HSPC and DsRed2+ MSCs shows ~60% of HSPCs are in contact with MSCs, and the remaining are within 9 µm. Numbers above the columns indicate the cell numbers counted in each group (from n=8 embryos). Abbreviations: D, dorsal; V, ventral; A, anterior; P, posterior.