Fig. 1
(A) Snapshot of single optical sections (XY, XZ, YZ planes) from light sheet live image of a Runx:GFP;flk:mCherry double transgenic zebrafish larva. A single Runx:GFP+ HSPC (white arrowhead) is lodged in a perivascular region lateral to the dorsal aorta (DA). (B) Detail of optical sections (1 µm steps) through the single lodged Runx:GFP+ HSPC in (A). mCherry+ endothelial cells contact the HSPC and form a surrounding pocket. The +5 µm section is also shown in XZ and YZ planes. Abbreviations: DA, dorsal aorta; SeA, intersegmental artery; SeV, intersegmental vein; PCV, posterior cardinal vein; CCV, common cardinal vein; ISVs, intersegmental vessels; D, dorsal; V, ventral; A, anterior; P, posterior.