Fig. 5
Role of alternative G-CSFR pathways in emergency myelopoiesis. (A–H) Fluorescent microscopy images of representative Tg (mpo::GFP) embryos treated with either DMSO (A,B), AG490 (C,D), LY294002 (E,F) or PP2 (G,H) either without (-) (A,C,E,G) or with (+) (B,D,F,H) LPS treatment. (I,J) Quantitation of mpo+ cells in Tg (mpo::GFP) embryos (I) or lyz+ cells in Tg (lyz::DsRed) embryos (J) treated with the indicated agents either without (-) with (+) LPS treatment, showing individual embryos as well as mean and S.E.M. along with statistical significance (*: p