Fig. 3
Microbiota impact on granulopoiesis in zebrafish. a–c The gene expression of csf3b (a), mpx (b), and mmp9 (c) in CONVED or GF zebrafish larvae (6 dpf) treated 0 or 100 nM VD3 for 4 days (results are combined from 2 independent experiments, n = 12 replicates/group, 10–20 larvae/replicate). d–f WT and cyp2r1 mutant zebrafish in 3 months were treated with antibiotics for 1 week, and the gene expression of csf3b (d) mpx (e), and mmp9 (f) transcripts in the gut was analyzed (n = 8 replicates/genotype). Two-way ANOVA with Sidak test was used to test significance. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. csf3b, colony-stimulating factor 3; mmp9, matrix metalloproteinase9; dpf, days post fertilization; VD3, vitamin D3; WT, wild-type; CONVED, conventionalized; GF, germ-free; mpx, myeloperoxidase.