Fig. 1
(A) At 3 dpf, geh mutants appeared unremarkable under bright-field microscopy. (B) In comparison to their siblings, (B’) 3-dpf-old geh homozygotes appeared darker in representative images taken under polarised light conditions. (C) After rescaling to siblings (100 ± 1%), the birefringence of 3-dpf-old geh homozygotes was significantly reduced to 61 ± 1%. Crosses represent averaged birefringence of clutches with a minimum of 6 larvae per genotype (n = 5 clutches). Data are presented as mean ± SEM; *** P < 0.001 calculated by Student’s t-test. (D) Fibrotic signs were not detected on H&E-stained cross sections of 3-dpf-old geh homozygotes and siblings (n = 6 per genotype). Scale bar sizes are indicated.