Fig. 4

Figures for Tucker et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Fig. 4

Injection of MAK mRNA restores Kupffer’s vesicle cilia length and response to visual stimulus in a mak mutant zebrafish model.

AD Immunocytochemical labeling of primary cilia with an anti-acetylated tubulin antibody within Kupffer’s vesicle in uninjected (A), mak morpholino-injected (B), and morpholino-injected zebrafish that simultaneously received canonical MAKCI (D) or retinal MAKRI mRNA (D). E Quantification of mean cilia length measured in each treatment group shown in AD. MAK morphants displayed significantly longer cilia compared to uninjected siblings (uninjected vs MO only; p = 0.0004). Sequential injection of retinal MAKRI mRNA or canonical MAKCI mRNA significantly shortened primary cilia length (MO only vs MO + RNA; p < 0.0001 for both). FH Light micrographs of wildtype (F), MAK morpholino-injected (G), and MAK morpholino and retinal MAK mRNA injected (H) demonstrating normal overall morphology among groups. I Histogram depicting the number of responses in the vision startle assay of wild-type, MAK morpholino-injected (MAK Mutant) and MAK morpholino/MAKRI mRNA injected (Mutant + MAKRI mRNA). MAK morphants had a significant decrease in average number of responses compared to wild-type fish (Wildtype vs MAK Mutant; p < 0.05). Injection of retinal MAK mRNA into MAK mutants partially rescued visual responses (i.e. no significant difference between wild-type and treatment groups). Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn’s multiple comparisons. Scale bars in A-D = 10 μm.

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