Fig. 6

Figures for Bortolin-Cavaillé et al., 2022
Figure Caption

Fig. 6

Life without rRNA acetylation (A) Simplified phylogenetic tree of Nematoda. Sequence contexts of the acetylated cytidine in representative species of each clade are indicated. (B) Sanger DNA sequencing of RT-PCR products obtained after borohydride treatments of total RNA extracted from C. elegans. (C) Ac4C content in total RNA extracted from adult C. elegans was visualized by Northern blotting-based assay using anti-Ac4C antibodies. Ethidium bromide (etBr) staining indicates the relative position of rRNA and tRNA species. (D) A ten-fold serial dilution of cell suspensions of the different yeast strains (as indicated on the side of the panels) was spotted on a YPD-agar plate and incubated for 48 h at low (19°C), regular (30°C) and high (37°C) temperatures. (E) Top-panels: WT and ΔsnR4ΔsnR45 yeast strains were grown at 30°C (left) or 37°C (right) in liquid YPD. Optical density at 600 nm (OD600) was measured every 30 min. Growth curves of individual biological samples (thin lines; n = 3 or 12 for 30°C and 37°C samples, respectively) and the mean of replicates (thick lines) are presented along with a confidence interval (gray area). Bottom-panels: WT and ΔsnR4ΔsnR45 yeast strains were spotted on a YPD-agar plate and incubated for 48 h at 30°C or 37°C. Cells were grown in duplicates with a 5-fold dilution between distinct concentrations.

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