Fig. 1
a Three loss-of-function (LoF) alleles in zebrafish were generated by CRISPR/Cas9 injections targeting smchd1. b Endogenous spatial-temporal expression pattern of smchd1 in zebrafish embryos as determined by qPCR and WISH. n = 3 biological samples (qPCR), 3 independent experiments with at least 20 embryos each (WISH). Data are presented as mean values ± SD. c Maternal zygotic (MZ) smchd1lof embryos lack smchd1 mRNA (qPCR and WISH) and protein (Western blot), suggestive of total nonsense-mediated decay. Scale bar = 200 μm. n = 2 biological samples (qPCR, Western blot), 3 independent experiments with at least 20 embryos each (WISH). d MZ smchd1lof zebrafish are viable and fertile, and do not model arhinia at 3 months. Scale bar = 1 mm.