Figures for Green et al., 2022
Figure Caption


Sensory-related OLCs do not express typical OLC mbpa expression. (A) Confocal z-stack still images of Tg(mbpa:gfp);Tg(sox10:mrfp) animals at 5 and 15 dpf showing the lack of mbpa+ expression in sensory oligodendrocytes. Blue arrows represent non-sensory-related OLCs. Green arrows represent sensory-related OLCs. White and black arrowheads indicate sensory axons. (B) Quantification of the percentage of mbpa;sox10+ and mbpa+;sox10+ sensory OLs at 5 and 15 dpf. (C) Quantification of the percentage of mbpa;sox10+ and mbpa+;sox10+ non-sensory OLs at 5 and 15 dpf. (D) Confocal z-stack still images of Tg(sox10:mrfp);Tg(ngn1:gfp) animals at 15 dpf stained with an anti-MBPa antibody showing the lack of anti-MBPa in sensory-related OLCs. Blue arrows represent non-sensory-related OLCs and green arrows represent sensory-related OLCs. (E) Quantification of the number of non-sensory-related OLCs (nsOLCs) and sensory-related OLCs (sOLCs) expressing sox10+ only or at 15 dpf. Scale bar equals 10 μm (A,E). All images are orientated anterior to left, posterior to right, dorsal up and ventral down.

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