Fig. 2
Fetal brain edema (BE) in cldn5a-/- zebrafish. A, B Around 70% of cldn5a-/- mutated zebrafish larvae show an obvious morphology with a tiny body and serious swollen head (BE), and the rest of the homozygous mutants have normal morphology (NM) but a tiny body. cldn5b-/- shows normal and healthy morphology as wild types. Enlarged figures of the head regions are shown in the lower panel. Red dotted lines figure out the profile of the skull. C cldn5a-/- larvae showed a tiny body at both 16 and 30 dpf. D-F Dissected brain tissues of 16 dpf-old larvae from wild types, cldn5a-/- with BE, and cldn5a-/- with NM brains. The ratio of vertical/horizontal length of the whole-brain was analyzed. The ratios of the brain area to head area was calculated and compared. V, vertical. H, horizontal. n?>?3 brains analyzed per group. Scale bars: 1 mm. Data are presented as mean?±?SEM. *P?<?0.05, ***P?<?0.005, ns means no significance