Fig. 7
Epistasis experiments show that npas4l and etv2 are downstream of Bmp signalling. (A) In situ hybridisation for endocard:egfp expression in wild type and etv2 mutant with and without the hsp70l:bmp2b transgene. etv2 mutants have reduced endocard:egfp expression, irrespective of Bmp overexpression. (B) Quantification of the staining area shows Bmp overexpression increased the endocard:egfp expression domain whereas endocard:egfp expression is lost in etv2 mutants, regardless of Bmp overexpression. (C-F) Reciprocal experiments involving in situ hybridisation for endocard:egfp expression in wild-type (transgenic negative siblings) or Tg(hsp70l:nog3) embryos injected with 30?pg of etv2 (C) or 10?pg of npas4l (E) mRNA. Quantification of staining area shows that both etv2 (D) and npas4l (F) mRNA overexpression can restore endocard:egfp expression upon Bmp inhibition. Scale bars: 100??m. Data are meanąs.d. P-values are indicated in graphs. **P<0.01 (one-way ANOVA). ns, not significant.