Figure Caption

Figure 1—figure supplement 2. sgRNA score explanation and example.

(a) Exemplified by three potential sgRNAs, the scoring system penalizes cytosines or adenines to be edited (1) outside the editing window and (2) where the dinucleotide context is unfavorable. See Materials and methods section for details. Note that only the best scoring cytosine or adenine is considered for the ranking. Here, both #2 and #3 score equally well. #2 or #3: favorable TC (C4 or C7) context within optimal editing window; #1: unfavorable AC and CC within optimal editing window. (b) Shows sgRNA ranking exemplified by using the cytosine base editor BE4-Gam and the input sequence as in Figure 1a. (b’) Note the different order of sgRNAs compared to Figure 1b. (b’’) The TC context in the optimal editing window (green arrow) strongly favors T1, whereas the CC context in the observed editing window (magenta arrow) predicts reduced efficiencies for T26.

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