Figures for Schwarzer et al., 2022
Figure Caption


Accumulation of leukocytes in the adult zebrafish SAG upon lesion. Antibody staining against the pan-leukocyte marker L-plastin and GFP in the SAG of transgenic neurod:GFP zebrafish at 1, 2, 4, and 16 days post lesion (dpl). Shown are representative images of the SAG following sham-treatment, or NaCl or ouabain injections as well as the unlesioned side (ULS) of either sham-treated, or NaCl- or ouabain-injected animal. Boxes show close-ups of the respective neurod:GFP-positive neurogenic niche. In the unlesioned side (ULS, upper left panel in each time point), a few ramified L-plastin-positive cells are distributed evenly throughout the entire SAG. Some round, strong L-plastin-positive cells are localized in close contact to the neurogenic niche on the ventral side of the SAG (arrows). In contrast, accumulation of ramified L-plastin-positive cells (arrowheads) in the SAG is observed close to the neurogenic niche at all time points within sham-treated, or NaCl- or ouabain-injected SAGs (upper right and lower panels in each time point). In addition, the density of L-plastin-positive cells is usually the highest at the distal part of the SAG, especially when the sensory patch is massively destroyed as, for example, seen in 1 dpl/NaCl and ouabain, 2 dpl/ouabain, and 16 dpl/ouabain, irrespective of the lesion type (yellow asterisks). Scale bars: 200 µm.

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