Fig. 7
Rapamycin rescues seizure susceptibility in PTZ-induced ubtor mutant larvae. A, B Locomotion tracks A and movement velocity B of 4-dpf larvae pre-treated with DMSO (NWT = Nubtor−/− = 24, t39 = 2.987) or 2 µmol/L rapamycin (NWT = Nubtor−/− = 24, t38 = 0.365), followed by 3 mmol/L PTZ (two biological repeats).C Immunoblotting for p-S6 protein in 4-dpf larvae treated as in A. Values of p-S6 protein levels are indicated. D Expression and distribution of c-fos mRNA in brain tissue of 4-dpf larvae treated with rapamycin and PTZ (scale bar, 100 μm). E RT-qPCR analysis of c-fos mRNA levels in the brain and spinal tissues of 4-dpf larvae treated with control or rapamycin, followed by 3 mmol/L PTZ (three biological repeats, control: NWT = Nubtor−/− = 75; rapamycin: NWT = Nubtor−/− = 75). β-actin served as the internal control. Values are represented as the mean ± SEM in B and E. **P <0.01, ***P <0.001.