Figure 1
Treatment with BLD-2736 from 1 to 6 days post-fertilization improves SCA3 zebrafish swimming performance. (A) Representative trajectories displaying the distance swum during motor performance assays at 6 days post-fertilization. (B) Transgenic zebrafish expressing EGFP-fused human ataxin-3 with 84 polyglutamines swim shorter distances than zebrafish expressing EGFP-fused human ataxin-3 with 23 polyglutamines. Treatment with calpain inhibitors (BLD-2736 or calpeptin) improved the distance swum. All data are presented as mean ± SEM, n = 12–24 larvae were examined per group. * represents p < 0.05, ** represents p < 0.01, *** represents p < 0.001.