Fig. 3 a The formula to calculate the non-negative matrix factorization (NMF; for details, see “Methods”). b The activity of the blue perception-coding ensemble as an example of an activity pattern (the activity in this panel is a part of c, bottom left panel). The blue line indicates the activity of a neural ensemble normalized by the self-maximum value. The horizontal bars in the upper and lower positions indicate the period of GO and NOGO trials, respectively. The bar colors indicate the color of the environment at the position of the fish. Orange line, the tail bend angle. Black line, the distance that fish had traveled. Red line, the point of color change. c The activity of the blue perception-coding ensemble in the adaptation stage (upper left panel), initial stage of training (upper right panel), and after behavioral learning was established (bottom left panel). d Quantified activity of the blue perception-coding ensemble in the adaptation stage, initial stage of training, and after behavioral learning was established. Columns and error bars: mean ± SEM. Circles indicate the peak value in each GO or NOGO trial. The numbers in parentheses are the number of trials used in the statistics. Adaptation GO vs adaptation NOGO, **P = 3.06 × 10−3; initial stage of training GO vs initial stage of training NOGO, ***P = 1.67 × 10−5; after behavioral learning GO vs after behavioral learning NOGO, ***P = 1.96 × 10−6, F(5, 92) = 26.25. One-way ANOVA, Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test. e Contribution of each neuron within the ensemble (upper panel) and correlation coefficient of each neuron’s activity to the ensemble’s activity (lower panel). f The activity of the ensemble (top trace) and the five most-contributing neurons in the ensemble (descending order from the top). Dotted lines indicate the timing when the neurons showed simultaneous activation with the ensemble. g Relationship between the correlation coefficient and distance for the 10 most-contributing neurons in the ensemble encoding the perception of blue. The data were averaged from 27 fish with this ensemble. Black line denotes the averaged correlation from 27 fish. Red line denotes the average of averaged 10 shuffled data from 27 fish (see “Methods”).
Figure Caption