Figures for Yu et al., 2021
Figure Caption


The zebrafish analogue socs3b governs brain development by regulating proliferation. (A) Representative images of A172 cells were obtained using a microscope fitted with a digital camera (scale bars, 300 µm). Different concentrations of DHE were added to the culture media of the glioblastoma A172 cells, and cell viability was measured using the MTT assay. (B) Dorsal view of live images with uninjected control embryos, socs3b-MO-injected embryos, and socs3b-MO- and socs3b-mRNA-co-injected embryos (left panel, red dotted lines indicate brain area), and quantified data of the brain area using ImageJ (right panel). (C) Dorsal view of confocal images after EdU staining with uninjected embryos and socs3b-MO-injected embryos (left panel, red dotted lines indicate brain area), and quantified intensity of EdU signals (right panel). (D) Dorsal view of WISH images using the cell proliferation marker pcna in uninjected embryos and socs3b-MO-injected embryos. Scale bars indicate 200 µm in each image (***p < 0.0001, *p < 0.05).

Figure Data
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