Figure 9. U-box? /? fish exhibit less anxiety-like behavior compared to the wild-type fish. The anxiety-like behavior of wild-type and U-box? /? fish was measured by novel tank diving and light/dark preference tests. In the novel tank diving test, the fraction of time spent in the top third zone of the novel tank (A,E), the distance traveled (B,F), and average velocity (C,G) was quantified and compared for each genotype group (n = 10?14 per group) at 12 (A?C) and 24 months (E?G). In the light/dark preference test, the fraction of time spent in the white zone of the tank was quantified and compared for each group (n = 10?14 per group) at 12 (D) and 24 (H) months. Data shown are the lower and upper quartiles (Q1?Q3) and the whiskers show range of values outside Q1-Q3. Statistically significant differences are shown by asterisks (?p < 0.05; ??p < 0.01; ???p < 0.001, Student?s t-test).