Fig. 7
Fig. 7. VEGFA overexpression does not change venous Ephb4-2 enhancer activity during embryonic development in zebrafish. A. Representative 28 hpf control (left panel) or vegfaa mRNA injected (right panel) tg(Ephb4-2:GFP) transgenic embryos show similar levels of expression. B. Graph depicting observed expression pattern of GFP in tg(Ephb4-2:GFP) control and vegfaa mRNA injected transgenic embryos. Black denotes strong venous GFP expression, grey denotes moderate venous GFP expression. Some variability is seen between embryos in both control and injected groups, but the percentage with strong (upper) and moderate (lower) GFP expression remained similar between the two groups. Control n = 164, injected n = 129. More representative embryos can be seen in Figure S13.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 473, Neal, A., Nornes, S., Louphrasitthiphol, P., Sacilotto, N., Preston, M.D., Fleisinger, L., Payne, S., De Val, S., ETS factors are required but not sufficient for specific patterns of enhancer activity in different endothelial subtypes, 1-14, Copyright (2021) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.