Fig. 2 Cardiac precursors within the lateral aLPM give rise to myocardial and infrequent endocardial cells. A- Twenty-seven (27) photoconverted wildtype clones gave rise to only myocardium (pink), while two (2) gave rise to myocardium and endocardium (burgundy). B, C, E, F- Examples of larval hearts at 48 hpf, outlined with dashed lines, lateral view. B- WT cardiac precursors that gave rise only to myocardium cells, which display a cuboidal morphology (arrowheads). C- WT cardiac precursor that gave rise to myocardium and as well as endocardium cells, which in general are smaller and more elongated in morphology than myocardial cells (arrow). Hand2 expression marks the larval heart and pharyngeal arches at 48 hpf. D- Nineteen (19) photoconverted Tbx5a-deficient clones gave rise to only myocardium (E arrowheads), while seven (7) gave rise to myocardium and endocardium (F arrows). ov-otic vesicle; n-notochord; s1-somite 1; A-atrium; V- Ventricle, pa-pharyngeal arch. Scale bar 100 μm.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 472, Mao, L.M.F., Boyle Anderson, E.A.T., Ho, R.K., Anterior lateral plate mesoderm gives rise to multiple tissues and requires tbx5a function in left-right asymmetry, migration dynamics, and cell specification of late-addition cardiac cells, 52-66, Copyright (2021) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.