Figure 1

Figures for Marvel et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Figure 1

Confocal imagery of tg(gnrh2:eGFP) pituitaries in normally fed (a), 7-day fasted (b) and 14-day fasted (c) conditions. Antibody staining of the specific GAP2 region of Gnrh2 in pituitary cryosections of fed (d), 7-day fasted (e), and 14-day fasted zebrafish (d) with the quantification of Gnrh2 neuronal fiber lengths confirming increased Gnrh2 in 14-day fasted conditions (e). Confocal imagery of tg(gnrh3:tdTomato) pituitaries in normally fed (f) and 14-day fasted (h) conditions. Immunohistochemistry antibody staining of the specific GAP3 region of Gnrh3 in pituitary cryosections of fed (g) and 14-day fasted zebrafish (i) with the quantification of Gnrh3 neuronal fiber lengths confirming decreased Gnrh3 in 14-day fasted conditions (j). Pictoral representation of the pituitary orientation of images shown (k). NH, neurohypophysis; PPD, proximal pars distalis; RPD; rostral pars distalis. All data expressed as means ± S.E.M, n = 6 pituitaries per group, **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05.

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