Fig. 4
Figure 4. Conditional knockouts reveal Wasl is required for normal skeletal patterning in mice (A) Forelimbs of adult wild-type and conditional Wasl knockout (cKO) mice. Prrx1 cKO mice exhibit shortened and thickened long bones. (B) Conditional Wasl inactivation causes carpal coalition. (C) Phalanges of Digit V. Conditional knockout animals lack a discernable intermediate phalanx (P2) and instead have a single phalanx (asterisk) between the metacarpal (MC) and distal phalanx (P3). (D) Fused sternebrae (star) in conditional Wasl knockout mice. (E) Hindlimbs of adult wild-type and conditional Wasl knockout mice. Hoxb6 and Prrx1 cKO mice exhibit shortened and thickened long bones of the leg. (F) Ankle bone fusions in conditional Wasl knockout mice. See also Table S1. Distal to top in (A), (B), (C), (E), (F); rostral to top in (D); anterior to left in (B), (C), and (F). 2, distal tarsal 2; 3, distal tarsal 3; 5, distal tarsal 5; AST, astragalus; A, autopod; CAL, calcaneus; CEN, centrale; c, central carpal; d#, distal carpal number; IL, ilium; Ma, manubrium; MC, metacarpal; py, pyramidal; P#, phalanx number; S, stylopod; SC, scapula; sl, scapholunate; S#, sternebrae number; Xi, xiphoid process; Z, zeugopod; scale bars 2 mm.
Reprinted from Cell, 184(4), Hawkins, M.B., Henke, K., Harris, M.P., Latent developmental potential to form limb-like skeletal structures in zebrafish, 899-911.e13, Copyright (2021) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Cell