Fig. S2
Figure S2. Additional adult phenotypes of reph and wan mutants, related to Figure 1 Adult pigmentation and skeletal patterning phenotypes of dorsal, pectoral, and pelvic fins in reph and wan mutants and wild-type adults. reph heterozygotes show increased number of radials in the dorsal fin (asterisk), however pelvic fins are unaffected. reph homozygous mutants show more severe effect on pigmentation and defects in lepidotrichia growth and maintenance. Dorsal and pectoral fin endoskeleton in homozygous fish is uninterpretable. wan heterozygotes show alteration in pigmentation and medial fin growth and patterning, while pelvic fins are unaffected. Similar to reph, wan homozygous fish show a more severe effect on pigmentation, and have highly dysmorphic fin rays and endoskeletal elements in the dorsal, pectoral, and pelvic fins. Scale bars 500 μm in dorsal fin panels, 2 mm in pectoral fin panels, and 1 mm in pelvic fin panels.
Reprinted from Cell, 184(4), Hawkins, M.B., Henke, K., Harris, M.P., Latent developmental potential to form limb-like skeletal structures in zebrafish, 899-911.e13, Copyright (2021) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Cell