Fig. 2 Increased levels of RA during gastrulation are sufficient to shift the pectoral fins rostrally. (A–D) In situ hybridization for the pectoral fin markers dlx2a/shh (A–B) and tbx5a (C–D) in lateral view at 36 hpf show rostral fin bud shifts relative to the somites which are marked by Myosin Heavy Chain (ectopic myosin above s1 indicated by the asterisk). Fin bud forms at the level of somites 2–3 in DMSO-treated controls (white arrowheads in A, C). Pectoral fin buds form rostral to somite level 1 in Talarozole-treated embryos (red arrowheads B, D). Somites 1 or 3 are indicated (s1 and s3, respectively). (E) The frequency of rostral fin shifts at 36 hpf after 1 h of Talarozole application beginning at either 4, 7 or 11 hpf is indicated as % of total embryos. The corresponding numbers are: 99/110 embryos at 4 hpf, 35/38 embryos at 7 hpf and 3/20 embryos at 11 hpf. Total number of embryos examined is indicated in white. Scale bar represents 100 μm.
Reprinted from Mechanisms of Development, 164, Quintanilla, C.A., Ho, R.K., The Cdx transcription factors and retinoic acid play parallel roles in antero-posterior position of the pectoral fin field during gastrulation, 103644, Copyright (2020) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Mech. Dev.