Figure 3

Figures for Dicks et al., 2020
Figure Caption

Figure 3

(A) Heatmap of the significantly regulated Gene Ontology biological processes terms in the dynamic clusters compared to tumor entities. Dynamic clusters and tumor entities were hierarchically clustered based on their significantly regulated gene sets. The black and white coded bar represents whether the given term is significantly regulated or not; the color coded bars depict the different tumor entities with the given abbreviation (see Supplementary Table 1), the up- and down-regulated terms and the dynamic zebrafish clusters. (B) Heatmap of the significantly regulated gene sets Hallmarks of Cancer in the dynamic clusters compared with the tumor entities. Dynamic clusters and tumor entities were hierarchically clustered based on their significantly regulated gene sets. The black and white coded bar represents whether the given term is significantly regulated or not; the color coded bars depict the different tumor entities with the given abbreviation (see Supplementary Table 1), the up-and downregulated terms and the dynamic zebrafish clusters. (C) Heatmap of differential expression (log2FC) of all genes in gene ontology biological processes term: cell cycle DNA Replication. Zebrafish samples and tumor entities were hierarchically clustered based on their differential gene expression. The color coded bar depicts the log2FC. (D) Heatmap of differential expression (log2FC) of all genes in hallmark: myc targets v2. Zebrafish samples and tumor entities were hierarchically clustered based on their differential gene expression. The color coded bars represent the log2FC, the different tumor entities with the given abbreviation (see Supplementary Table 1) and the two zebrafish days post injury (dpi).

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