Figure 1

Figures for Dicks et al., 2020
Figure Caption

Figure 1

(A) Principal component analysis plot of log2-expression (counts per million) of mRNA samples of the zebrafish data. Each color represents a different condition. (B) Soft-clustering of log2FC of the zebrafish data over time. Black lines visualize the average dynamics of the clusters. (C) Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (Fisher's Test) of genes from every cluster of gene ontology biological processes. Gene sets are connected by an edge if they share 40% of genes. Terms are connected to the clusters based on their p-value. Size of the nodes is anticorrelated to the p-value. (D) Bar plot of Gene set enrichment analysis (Fisher's Test) of genes from every cluster for Hallmarks of Cancer. The gene-ratio represents the number of regulated genes in the relation to the gene set size. Gene-ratio of genes regulated within each term divided by the total number of genes within the respective term. Color coded bar depicts the –log10 adj. PV (FDR).

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