Figure 1
Schematic to scale of human MYH3 gene on chromosome 17. Noncoding regions are displayed in pink. Coiled coil domain (840–1,933 bp) displayed in purple. Motor domain (86–779 bp) displayed in yellow. Actin binding site (656–678/758–772 bp) shown in cyan. Location of R672H mutation is enlarged and labeled. Schematic to scale of zebrafish Aligned DNA and amino acid sequences of Western blot of whole zebrafish larvae, Smyhc1 stained with the F59 antibody. Smyhc1 immunohistochemistry stain of 24 hpf (hour postfertilization) zebrafish larvae. Filamentous actin is stained with phalloidin (red). Nuclei are stained with DAPI (blue). Smyhc1 is stained with the F59 antibody (green) (Elworthy