Fig. 4

Figures for Cook et al., 2020
Figure Caption

Fig. 4

Ganglioside GM1 is increased in both SLOS and NPC zebrafish models. Representative images of cholera toxin subunit B (CtxB) staining of 96 hpf zebrafish to observe ganglioside GM1 distribution; a CtxB staining of SLOS zebrafish models induced using the Dhcr7 inhibitors AY9944 (75 µM) or trazodone (traz) (75 µM). Images of the zebrafish head from a lateral view (left) or dorsal view (right); b CtxB staining of NPC zebrafish models induced using either npc1 morpholino (npc1 MO) injected at the 1–2 cell stage or the Npc1 inhibitor, U18666A (2 µg/ml). Images of the zebrafish head from a dorsal viewpoint. Brain areas are indicated by coloured bars above images. Please note that the NPC images were taken using a separate Z.1 light sheet microscope that had been set up slightly differently. Scale bars = 280 µm. N = 3, with a minimum of ten fish per N

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