Fig. 8 Mafba negatively controls gsx2 expression and IO neuronal development. (A-F) 3-dpf mafba+/GFF (A-C, n=9) and mafbaGFF/GFF (D-F, n=8);UAS:GFP;gsx2:RFP larvae were stained with anti-RFP (magenta) and anti-GFP (green) antibodies. Yellow arrows indicate that gsx2 expression extends to rhombomeres 5 and 6. (G-N) 5-dpf wild-type (G-J, n=10) and mafbab337/b337 28C;UAS:GFP (K-N, n=11) larvae were stained with anti-GFP (green) and anti-Pvalb7 (magenta) antibodies. Arrows and arrowheads indicate CFs and IO neurons, respectively. (O) Length of gsx2:RFP+ hindbrain region in mafba+/GFF and mafbaGFF/GFF. (P) Number of 28C;UAS:GFP+ IO neurons in wild-type and mafbab337/b337 larvae. *P<0.05; **P<0.01 (Student's t-test). Data are mean± s.e.m. with individual values indicated. Scale bars: 50?µm in A (applies A to F) and G (applies to G,H,K,L) and J (applies to J,N); 20?µm in I (applies to I,M).
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