Figure 1 (A–C) Schematic of the GBT system, RP2 and RP8 incorporate a protein-trap cassette fused with three reading frames of AUG-less mRFP reporter and a 3’ exon trap cassette with GFP or tagBFP reporters, respectively. (A) RP2 series (RP2.1, RP2.2 and RP2.3). Underline: Previously published vector construct (B–C) RP8 series (RP8.1, RP8.2 and RP8.3) with a schematic RP8 insertion event showing expected transcription off of a locus below (C). ITR: inverted terminal repeat, SA: splice acceptor, lox: Cre recombinase recognition sequence, *mRFP: AUG-less mRFP sequence, poly (A)+: polyadenylation signal, red octagon: extra transcriptional terminator and putative border element, β-act: carp beta-actin enhancer, γ-cry: gamma crystalline promoter, SD: splice donor, E: enhancer, P: promoter, and WT: wild-type.
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