Figure 2.

Figures for Wragg et al., 2020
Figure Caption

Figure 2.

Overview of CAGE samples. (A) Histogram plots of the interquantile width of each Tag Cluster (TC). (B) UCSC genome browser view of si:ch211-113a14.29 (an orthologue of human histone 2B) and mmp30 (matrix metallopeptidase 30) showing consistent TSS distribution between nanoCAGE and published traditional CAGE. The position of putative regulatory motifs driving transcription are marked with distance from start of motif to dominant TSS position quantified. (C) A visualization of the overlap of TCs between the samples. The number of unique genes shared per group is shown in the lower half of the graph. (D) The number of TCs per sample mapping to genomic features. ‘Exon’, ‘5′ UTR’, ‘3′ UTR’ and ‘intron’ locations were extracted from the DanRer7 genomic build. ‘Promoter (≤1kb)’ = window 0–1 kb upstream of the gene start site, ‘Promoter (1–3 kb)’ = 1–3kb region upstream of gene start, ‘Downstream <3 kb’ = window 0–3 kb downstream of the gene end annotated in the DanRer7 genomic build and ‘Distal intergenic’ = all regions not covered in other classifications.

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