Fig. S1
Adult gpr182 mutant zebrafish present with bigger spleens than wild-type.
(A) Table showing mRNA levels of gpr182 as well as EC, HE and HSC marker genes from the RNA seq dataset. RNA seq dataset consists of mRNA isolated from non-hemogenic ECs (ECs, kdrl+/runx1−), specified HE (HE, kdrl+/runx1+), and HSCs (HSC, kdrl−/runx1+) from 28 hpf Tg(kdrl:mCherry); Tg(runx1:EGFP) embryos2. (B) Gpr182 and Gpr182bns289 proteins. The bns289 mutation causes a premature stop codon at amino acid 279, resulting in the loss of the 7th putative trans membrane domain (TM) and the intracellular domain. (C) Brightfield images of 5-months old wild-type and gpr182 -/- zebrafish. (D) Brightfield images of 6-months old wild- type and gpr182 -/- zebrafish spleen. Scale bar: 1 mm (D). RPKMs, reads per kilobase per million reads; HE, hemogenic endothelium; HSC, hematopoietic stem cell.