Fig 3

Figures for Wiles et al., 2020
Figure Caption

Fig 3 Swimming motility and chemotaxis promote persistence by enabling bacteria to counter intestinal flow and resist expulsion.

(A) Image-based quantification of abundances over time for wt Vibrio, Δmot, and Δche. Lines represent individual populations in individual fish. (B) Cultivation-based quantification of abundances for Δmot and Δche in co-housed ret−/− mutant hosts and wt/heterozygous sib. Abundances of wt Vibrio, Δmot, and Δche in wt hosts (from Fig 1A, 72 hpi) are shown for comparison. Bars denote medians and interquartile ranges. Letters denote significant differences. p < 0.05, Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn’s multiple comparisons test. Underlying data are provided in S1 Data. hpi, hours post inoculation; sib, sibling controls; wt, wild type.

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