Effect of ASDs on epileptiform-like discharges recorded from the optic tectum of 4 dpf cacna1aa and Ctrl-MO morphants. Larvae were incubated (2 h) with different ASDs. Results are presented as a number of events, b mean duration of events (msec), and c cumulative duration of events (msec) during 20 min of recording. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-hoc test. Dots represent individual measurements, the central horizontal mark is the mean, and error bars represent SD (n = 9–25). Symbols represent following comparisons: *P < 0.05 vs Ctrl-MO group incubated with Veh, #P < 0.05 vs cacna1aa MOs group incubated with Veh. CBZ, carbamazepine (100 μM); ETX, ethosuximide (10 mM), LTG, lamotrigine (200 μM), TPR, topiramate (100 μM), VPA, sodium valproate (100 μM)
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Full text @ Mol. Neurobiol.
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