Fig. 4 zHTT-deficient zebrafish display normal iron utilization and neurulation early in development. (A) Representative images of 2dpf wildtype, hemizygous, and knockout zHTT embryos. Red arrowheads point to the hearts of each embryo. No apparent hypochromia observed. Scale bar = 100μm. (B) Representative images of 24hpf Texas Red-Dextran injected wildtype, hemizygous, and knockout zHTT embryos. Scale bar = 100μm. Measurement of midbrain (C) and hindbrain (D) widths show no significant difference in neurulation observed between the genotypes. Statistical significance calculated using one way ANOVA with multiple comparisons between groups analyzed by Dunnett’s test.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 458(1), Sidik, H., Ang, C.J., Pouladi, M.A., Huntingtin confers fitness but is not embryonically essential in zebrafish development, 98-105, Copyright (2019) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.