Ethanol induced epiboly and gastrulation defect was partially rescued by sox2 mRNA injection. (A–D) Bright field images showed reduced epiboly progression after ethanol exposure (B; double arrow), which was rescued by sox2 mRNA injection (D). (E) Graph shows the percentage of epiboly progression in control, ethanol-treated, sox2 mRNA injected, and sox2 mRNA + ethanol-treated injected embryos (see text for statistics). (F–I) In situ hybridization detecting ntl expression shows dorsal forerunner cells closely associated to the germ band in control, embryo (F), sox2 mRNA injected (H), and ethanol-treated + sox2 mRNA injected (I) embryos, and a dramatic separation and fragmentation of the dorsal forerunner cells from the germ band and from each other in the ethanol treated embryo (G).
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