Fig. 1
Zebrafish physiological and histopathological responses subsequent to APAP exposure. (A) Cumulative fecundity of zebrafish during the 22-days pre-exposure to 21-days exposure period showed a significant reduction in egg numbers subsequent to 1152 μg/L APAP treatment compared to the control group. (B) Cumulative mean number of fertilized eggs within the 21-days exposure period was significantly reduced in the 1152 μg/L APAP treatment. (C) Fertilization rate of zebrafish after the exposure to APAP for 21 days was not statistically significantly different from the non-treated experimental control. (D) Plasma VTG contents tend to be reduced following 1152 μg/L APAP exposure compared to control fish. (E) Plasma HA concentration of male zebrafish was significantly increased after 1152 μg/L APAP treatment compared to the non-treated control. (F) Plasma HA concentration of female zebrafish was not statistically significantly different compared to the control group. Statistically significant differences were calculated by ANOVA, followed by Dunnetts post-hoc t-test with significance levels set at *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, n = 2 fish/replicate, 4 replicates/treatments. (G) Section of control male liver showing no pathological alterations. (H) Representative histopathological observations of male liver following 1152 μg/L APAP treatment showing single cell necrosis of hepatocytes: arrows, and vacuolization: asterisks.