Fig. 5
Loss of LRE Protein Uptake Impairs Growth and Survival in Larval Zebrafish
(A and B) Survival rates of cubn pd1169 +/−, −⁄− (A), and dab2 pd1162 +/−, −⁄−(B) 30 dpf larvae raised under different feeding conditions: non-calorie restricted standard diet (SD), calorie-restricted high-protein diet (HP) and calorie-restricted low-protein diet (LP). n = 5, 9, 6, 14, 9, and 14 (A; left to right), n = 9, 10, 9, 9, 9, and 9 (B; left to right). Data points are the survival rates of each tank subjected to the experiment.
(C) Comparison of body lengths of cubn pd1169 +/− (n = 29), −⁄− (n = 57), and dab2 pd1162 +/− (n = 69), −⁄− (n = 23) 30 dpf larvae raised under a non-calorie restricted SD. Data points are the body lengths of individual 30 dpf larvae that survived until the end of the feeding experiments.
(D) Quantitation of mutant/heterozygous control body length ratios for cubn pd1169 and dab2 pd1162 larvae before onset of feeding (5 dpf) and after being fed with a non-calorie restricted SD (30 dpf). Growth deficits largely occur post-embryonically.
(E) Intestine cross section images of 10 dpf dab2 pd1162 +/− or −⁄− larvae raised under non-calorie restricted SD. Arrowheads point to 4E8 colocalization with phallodin, indicating no polarization defect in some of the dab2 −⁄−. L = lumen. n ≥ 15 animals/genotype. Scale bar, 20 μm. ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001; two-tailed unpaired t tests (A–C). p values, t values and degree of freedom for the statistical tests are provided in the Table S3.
Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 51(1), Park, J., Levic, D.S., Sumigray, K.D., Bagwell, J., Eroglu, O., Block, C.L., Eroglu, C., Barry, R., Lickwar, C.R., Rawls, J.F., Watts, S.A., Lechler, T., Bagnat, M., Lysosome-Rich Enterocytes Mediate Protein Absorption in the Vertebrate Gut, 7-20.e6, Copyright (2019) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell