Fig. S10
Cdk2, but not Cdk5 DN hinders neutrophil motility in zebrafish.
(A) Schematic of experimental design. Embryos from Tg(lyzC:GFP) were injected with a plasmid driving neutrophil specific expression of cdk2 or cdk5 WT/DN. Single (GFP+) and double positive cells (GFP+mCherry+, gfp+cdk2/5 WT/DN+)from the same embryos were tracked. (B, C) Representative images and tracks (B) and quantification of velocity (C) for cdk2 WT/DN expressing neutrophils. (D, E) Representative images and tracks (D) and quantification of velocity (E) for cdk5 WT/DN expressing neutrophils. Scale bar: 100 μm. Quantification was done with at least 3 embryos from three independent injections. Green tracks: gfp only; Red tracks: gfp and cdk double positive. Results are presented as mean ± s.d.. Mann–Whitney test.