Fig. 2

Figures for Djannatian et al., 2019
Figure Caption

Fig. 2

Mag and adhesion molecules of the paranodal axo-glial junction regulate myelin growth in zebrafish.  a CNS myelin of 10/11dpf wild-type (wt),  mag?/? and  cntn1b?/? mag?/? fish.  b Myelinated area at 10/11 dpf ( n?=?7?9; one-way ANOVA:  p?<?0.0001).  c Representative wt and mutant myelin sheaths at 10/11 dpf.  d Sheath length at 10/11 dpf (means of 60 sheaths per animal,  n?=?3, one-way ANOVA,  p?<?0.0001).  e? h Myelin sheath extension at 3 dpf (30?min interval, 15?16?h time lapse experiments). Asterisks in panel ( e) represent extending sheaths. Sheath length over time is shown in panel ( f) (15 sheaths from 3 animals). The fastest (magenta) and slowest (blue) extending sheath are highlighted. Extension rates ( h) were calculated from ( f) according to panel ( g). One-way ANOVA:  p?<?0.0001.  i Myelin sheaths of 3 dpf and 10 dpf  cntn1b?/? mag?/? show differences in sheath intensity compared to wt.  j Mean fluorescence intensities of 30 representative sheaths from 3 fish at 3 and 10 dpf, wt (left) and  cntn1b?/? mag?/? (right). Unpaired two-sided t test:  p?=?0.0473 (wt),  p?=?0.0002 ( cntn1b?/? mag?/?). Data are presented as means?±?s.d. Scale bars, 10??m ( a, c, e), 5??m ( i). Source data are provided as a Source Data file


Figure Data
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