Fig. 5
Cyclin B1 mutants have an abnormal cell cycle progression. (A-A″) anti-pH3 staining shows spr mutants have fewer cells in mitosis between the egr2b stripes in rhombomeres 3 and 5, dorsal view. Mitotic cells align at the dorsal midline (white arrow) in the wild-type embryo (A), but do not in the sprtu21 mutant (A′) whose mitotic cells are irregularly shaped. In the sprro1 mutant (A″), pH3 staining is weak and reveals few mitotic cells. (B) Quantification of the number of mitotic cells between the egr2b stripes in the wild-type embryos (grey), sprtu21mutant (yellow), and sprro1 mutant (green) between 7- and 25-somites (12 h and 21.5 h). Starting at 15-somites (16.5 h), the number of mitotic cells in the sprtu21 allele is significantly fewer (p?<?0.05) compared to wild-type embryos. The counts for the sprro1 allele are statistically significant compared to both, wild-type and sprtu21 at all stages (p < 0.01). (C-E″) The Dual FUCCI transgene shows that cells in the sprmutant reside in the wrong phase of the cell cycle at 20-somites. Shown are populations of cells in the tail where the cell cycle reporter mCherry-Cdt1 (red) defines cells in G1 (G0) stage (C–E) and the Cerulean-Geminin (blue) defines cells in S/G2/early M stages (C′-D″). Whereas the majority of cells in wild-type embryos are in the G1 (G0) stage of cell cycle (C-C″), the majority of cells in sprtu21 (D-D″) and sprtu21/ro1 (E-E″) mutants are in the S/G2/early M phase of the cell cycle. Scale bar is 100?μm. Inserts show that G1 (G0) cells have abnormal shapes in mutant embryos, scale bar is 10?μm.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 451(2), Petrachkova, T., Wortinger, L.A., Bard, A.J., Singh, J., Warga, R.M., Kane, D.A., Lack of Cyclin B1 in zebrafish causes lengthening of G2 and M phases, 167-179, Copyright (2019) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.