Fig. S1
Generation of yap1 mutant alleles by CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing. (A) Schematic representation of the 7 bp and 11 bp deletions generated in the exon 2 of yap1 in medaka. The sequence in bold corresponds to the region targeted by two partially overlapping sgRNAs (see Methods). The boxes in red and orange correspond to the 7 and 11 bp deletions generated. (B) The predicted yap1 protein structure is depicted for the wild type and mutant proteins. In both cases, the deletions resulted in frame shift mutations and premature stop codons. (C-H) Phenotypic analysis of wild type (C, E, G) and yap1 mutant embryos (D, F, H) at stages 22 (E-F) and 25 (C-D, G-H) shows characteristic malformations, such as optic cup flattening and lens misalignment (arrows in H). oc = optic cup. Magnification bars are included in the figure.