Fig. S6
The expression of somecritical regulators being related to LR patterning.
?A, B?The expression of fgf8and erm. No difference was observed for fgf8expression in controlembryos and aplnramorphants at 2 somite stage (A. a1-a2, n=36). But erm, the downstream gene of fgf8, was up regulated in aplnramorphants (B. b1-b2, n=31). (C)The expression of fgf8and erminthe control embryos, aplnramorphants, aplnrbmorphants and aplnra+bmorphants were checked by Q-PCR.The result demonstrated that, among them, no difference was observed for fgf8expression, but all the morphants displayed increased expression of erm. (D, E) The expression of dnah9in embryos treated differently. Compared with that in control (D. d1, n=35), the expression of dnh9was not changedgreatlyin aplnramorphants (D. d2, d3, n=30), this result was confirmed by measuring the area in control embryos and aplnramorphants (E). The expression of dnh9was also checked in aplnrband aplnra+bmorphant, no distinct difference was observed among these embryos (E).Note: *, P<0.05; **, P<0.01; NS, not significant difference.