Fig. S2
: The heart phenotype for aplnrbor aplnraloss of function
(A-E) The heart development in controland aplnra/bmorphants. Compared with the controlmorphants (A. a2, E, 100%, n=57), the heart in most of embryos injected with aplnrbMO(100uM) displayed mild smaller (B. b2, E, 89.3%, n=103), whilein most of aplnrbmorphants(500uM), the heart became very small (C. c3, E, 63.6%, n=99) orthe heart disappeared (C. c4, E,27.3%, n=99), only small part of embryos had the mild smaller heart (C. c2, E, 7.1%, n=99). For aplnra morphants, the phenotype was not strong, majority of embryos displayed mild smaller heart (D.d2, E, 78.7%, n=108), only smaller number of embryos displayed very small heart (D. d3, E, 14.8%, n=108).