Fig. 6
Neurobiological Roles of Top Candidates
(A) Example images of larvae after consuming fluorescently labeled paramecia.
(B) Quantification of feeding behavior in tcf4 mutants by measurement of paramecia consumed.
(C) T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) (Hinton and Maaten, 2008) visualization of wild-type single-cell clusters obtained by clustering of 6 dpf forebrain cells. Clusters with substantial differences in znf536 mutants are highlighted in orange, purple, and blue. Cluster counts in mutant and wild-type are expressed as percent of the total cell number for each sample. See also Figure S6.
(D) Dotplot (confusion matrix) showing the proportion of cells in the znf536 mutant forebrain that were classified to wild-type cluster labels. Each mutant forebrain type was assigned to a wild-type cluster label if > 13% of the trees in the Random Forest (RF) model (Breiman, 2001, Pandey et al., 2018) contributed to majority vote.
Reprinted from Cell, 177(2), Thyme, S.B., Pieper, L.M., Li, E.H., Pandey, S., Wang, Y., Morris, N.S., Sha, C., Choi, J.W., Herrera, K.J., Soucy, E.R., Zimmerman, S., Randlett, O., Greenwood, J., McCarroll, S.A., Schier, A.F., Phenotypic Landscape of Schizophrenia-Associated Genes Defines Candidates and Their Shared Functions, 478-491.e20, Copyright (2019) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Cell