Fig. 2-S2
Leukocyte recruitment in the caudal fin tissue is minimal in unwounded larvae.
Additional p values associated with Figure 2B and C are provided for (A) neutrophils and (B) macrophages to reflect changes over time within each injury. Leukocyte recruitment in unwounded larvae or following simple transection was quantified using double transgenic larvae (Tg(lysC:mCherry-histone2b) x Tg(mpeg1:GFP-histone2b)). (C) Neutrophils and (D) macrophages were counted in caudal fin area distal to the caudal vein loop in single-plane images acquired by Zeiss Zoomscope. Values are least square means and SE from three biological replicates, with associated p values. Total N = 29–34 larvae per time point for each treatment. ****<0.0001. (E) Example of quantitation by area thresholding (see Materials and methods). (F) For clarity, values for uninfected transection from Figure 2G were plotted alone to show full data range.